October 15, 2010
End of summer creates a whirlwind of activity at LO
By Helen Hassard
Membership and Chapter Coordinator
August and September were a time of whirlwind activity. The August events that kept me on the road included the Toronto and Waterloo baseball tournaments (both articles appearing in September Horticulture Review) and the Golden Horseshoe, Georgian Lakelands and Ottawa golf tournaments. The three golf tournaments were lots of fun and each was unique in its own way.
Golden Horseshoe held a tournament at Willow Valley Golf Course. Thanks to the help of the chapter board, volunteers and the chair of the golf committee, Bruce Wilson of Permacon, the tournament went off without a hitch. Proceeds for the tournament went to The Ronald McDonald house in Hamilton.
The Georgian Lakelands golf tournament was equally exciting and despite a chilling breeze, all had a great time. Past president Bob Adams and I spent the day driving the course, meeting golfers and snapping photos of each foursome. The tournament itself was one of the fastest moving with the dinner wrapping up well before 7 p.m. This was great for me, as I had to get to Ottawa for that chapter’s tournament the next day.
Ottawa’s tournament was also a blast. Thanks to Martha Walsh and her diligent planning committee, I actually got to spend the day golfing. As a golfer at the tournament, I can’t give a synopsis on whole event, but I will say it was well worth coming from Milton to meet everyone and enjoy such a great day out on the links, even if it meant leaving mid-dinner when I realized my flight home was going to leave without me. Thanks to Paul Doornbos and his superb driving skills, I made it in the nick of time.
Check out www.horttrades.com to see Martha’s summary of the tournament.
For a complete write-up by Wendy Harry of the London golf tournament, go to www.horttrades.com under the London chapter.
Other major September events include the Golden Horseshoe Chicken Roast, Artistry with Bulbs lecture at the Toronto Botanical Gardens and the Durham Chapter’s Fall Barbecue and Supplier Night. Check out November Horticulture Review to read about these events.
On Oct. 15, we have an Argos vs. Ti-Cats football game. Permacon has generously sponsored a bus for the event, with stops in Grimsby, Hamilton and Burlington.
Right after the football game is Expo on Oct. 19 and 20 at the Toronto Congress Centre. This will be my first time at the show. I ask anyone who hasn’t met me yet, to please come by the LO booth and say hi.
You should have received the Professional Development Seminar Guide inside this copy of Horticulture Review. In the chapter events section, you will find a list of the chapter meetings by month. Feel free to attend any of the chapter events, not just those in your geographical area.
Helen Hassard may be contacted at helen@landscapeontario.com.
Membership and Chapter Coordinator

Golden Horseshoe held a tournament at Willow Valley Golf Course. Thanks to the help of the chapter board, volunteers and the chair of the golf committee, Bruce Wilson of Permacon, the tournament went off without a hitch. Proceeds for the tournament went to The Ronald McDonald house in Hamilton.
The Georgian Lakelands golf tournament was equally exciting and despite a chilling breeze, all had a great time. Past president Bob Adams and I spent the day driving the course, meeting golfers and snapping photos of each foursome. The tournament itself was one of the fastest moving with the dinner wrapping up well before 7 p.m. This was great for me, as I had to get to Ottawa for that chapter’s tournament the next day.
Ottawa’s tournament was also a blast. Thanks to Martha Walsh and her diligent planning committee, I actually got to spend the day golfing. As a golfer at the tournament, I can’t give a synopsis on whole event, but I will say it was well worth coming from Milton to meet everyone and enjoy such a great day out on the links, even if it meant leaving mid-dinner when I realized my flight home was going to leave without me. Thanks to Paul Doornbos and his superb driving skills, I made it in the nick of time.
Check out www.horttrades.com to see Martha’s summary of the tournament.
September also a busy time
September was no slower, with the Snow and Ice Symposium kicking off the change of seasons on Sept. 1 and 2 in Kitchener. The symposium was followed up with the London and Windsor golf tournaments on Sept. 10 and 11, respectively. Both were very well run. Speaking as a golfer, I found both to be a great time with tons of prizes and plenty of food.For a complete write-up by Wendy Harry of the London golf tournament, go to www.horttrades.com under the London chapter.
Other major September events include the Golden Horseshoe Chicken Roast, Artistry with Bulbs lecture at the Toronto Botanical Gardens and the Durham Chapter’s Fall Barbecue and Supplier Night. Check out November Horticulture Review to read about these events.
On Oct. 15, we have an Argos vs. Ti-Cats football game. Permacon has generously sponsored a bus for the event, with stops in Grimsby, Hamilton and Burlington.
Right after the football game is Expo on Oct. 19 and 20 at the Toronto Congress Centre. This will be my first time at the show. I ask anyone who hasn’t met me yet, to please come by the LO booth and say hi.
You should have received the Professional Development Seminar Guide inside this copy of Horticulture Review. In the chapter events section, you will find a list of the chapter meetings by month. Feel free to attend any of the chapter events, not just those in your geographical area.
Helen Hassard may be contacted at helen@landscapeontario.com.