November 1, 2018

The green profession gathers for two days of education and connection at GISC.
Edmonton hosts GISC
The Green Industry Show and Conference (GISC) returns to the Edmonton Expo Centre Nov. 15 and 16, 2018. The GISC is Alberta’s largest trade show and conference for professionals in landscape, horticulture, and nursery trades, with an average of 2,300 visitors.
“The GISC is where our industry comes together for two days of education, innovation, and connection,” says Landscape Alberta’s Executive Director, Joel Beatson.
This year, 22 conference sessions bring top industry speakers and experts from across North America. Highlights include garden communicator Susan Martin, exploring how to build revenue through the next generation of women shoppers; Dr. Darby McGrath and Michael Brownbridge of Vineland will discuss how conceptualizing urban landscapes can lead to self-sustaining and resilient ecosystems in the face of climate change and rapid urbanization; and join Breakthrough Academy’s Danny Kerr as he discusses “The Three Keys to Getting Out of the Day-to-Day in Your Business.” For session descriptions and a full schedule, visit
New to 2018 are Just in Time sessions, where Landscape Alberta members and past attendees suggested topics they most wanted to see at the conference. “This is an exciting way to ensure we capture the pulse of the industry by providing the right session at the right time,” says Beatson.
Attendees can also choose a pre-conference add-on option for more in-depth development, with four pre-conference workshops on Nov. 14. Choose from the Certified Irrigation Technician Preparation Workshop, Alberta Greenhouse Grower Association’s Day of Discovery, Building Your on Page Strategic Plan for 2019, or the Assessing and Modifying Urban Soils workshop. Attendees can also browse the largest industry trade show on the prairies, with over 200 booths featuring the latest products and technologies from exhibitors across North America.
Landscape Alberta members who pre-register receive free admission into the trade show and preferred pricing on conference registration. Register before Oct. 24 to receive early bird rates. The Green Industry Show and Conference is hosted by Landscape Alberta; a non-profit organization that supports and represents the landscape horticulture industry in Alberta. Visit for more information and to register.