February 14, 2024

Cracking down on forced labour
The International Labour Organization estimates that there are approximately 27.6 million victims of forced labour worldwide, including 17.3 million in the private economy. Forced labour and child labour risks occur primarily through the global supply chains of businesses. There is a risk that goods imported into and distributed in Canada were produced with forced labour or child labour. Entities and government institutions doing business in Canada have a responsibility to ensure that exploitative practices are addressed and eradicated from their supply chains.
The measures introduced through former Bill S-211, An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff, aim to increase industry awareness and transparency and drive businesses to improve practices.
All businesses with more than 250 employees, more than $20 million in assets or more than $40 million of revenue are now required to report on their practices to the Federal Government by May 2024 or face hefty penalties.
For more information on reporting obligations and how this may affect your business, visit: publicsafety.gc.ca