October 15, 2014
Come one, come all; It’s chapter meeting season
By Myscha Burton
Membership and Chapter Coordinator
If you are checking your e-news each week (and I’m sure you are), you have seen the invitation to participate in a Landscape Ontario survey.
To those of you who participated, I hope it was quick and painless, and I would like to thank you for your feedback. The survey was designed so that members can offer feedback on past events, and provide input on what you would like to see happen in your chapter in the future. This information will help us to improve chapter meetings, as well as membership services to better suit your needs.
By now you will have hopefully renewed your membership. If not, here’s a friendly reminder. We are gearing-up for a busy fall season that includes planning your schedule for work and family, along with chapter events and upcoming seminars.
Last month the 2014 golf season ended with London and Windsor tournaments, along with the inaugural Cascades Putting Challenge in the Georgian Lakelands Chapter. A big thank you goes to Dave Braun and Braun Nurseries for hosting the Golden Horseshoe’s Annual Chicken Roast, and to everyone who attended our events.
Your chapter boards have been hard at work planning exciting meetings that will feature interesting guest speakers and wonderful educational topics.
Waterloo Chapter began its meeting season on Sept. 3 with a presentation by Ron Koudys, who spoke on future trends in our industry. Koudys raised some interesting points on the role of technology in our industry and the changing face of the horticulture industry.
I’m sure many of you have heard theories on how Generation Y, or the Millennials, are addicted to social media. And, I must admit, I am one of those who loves my Facebook sharing. With social media becoming something we use so frequently in our lives, it is also necessary to use it in our professional lives.
You’ve seen the pictures of our member visits on Grout’s Facebook page at facebook.com/LOGrout. At home office we frequently use Twitter and email communication to promote upcoming events and share information. So, is social media and web technology now a necessary evil? We are presented with the challenge of adapting to the changes of the future, while maintaining the values and benefits of the past. This challenge comes in circulating information, but also planning for the needs and wants of the chapters.
Would using more Internet-based technology, such as live streaming of chapter meetings, be helpful or harmful? Do you find the information you read on Twitter, Facebook, or enews useful, or does it filter into your trash folder? Is there a better way to share information with you?
For example, our survey not only provided helpful information on events and membership services, but it also brought to light the challenges of circulating information. We have some great events happening within the chapters this fall and we want to make sure you get all the necessary information to assist in your attendance of these events.
While I appreciate the ease and convenience of certain technologies, and it certainly helps to increase the accessibility of our chapters, are we then taking away from the value of face-to-face networking? Are you likely to come to a meeting if there is the option of watching it from home? Despite these mixed opinions, chapter meetings are adapting to the changing world, and changes within the industry. What would get you out to a meeting or an event?
This YouTube clip provides some food for thought on the realities of our dependence on technology in the form of a conference call, http://gfl.me/x2gp.
If you have a suggestion on what you would like to see at a local chapter meeting, or you would like to weigh-in on our technology conundrum, feel free to contact me directly at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 354, or email me at myscha@landscapeontario.com.
Until we solve the mystery, I encourage you to check your chapter’s webpage and check your weekly electronic newsletter for updates on coming chapter meetings, including panel discussions, preparing for the winter and many, many more. October is going to be a busy month. I hope to see you at Expo.
Adams Landscape Supply, Kitchener.
Dreamstate Landscaping, Guelph.
Contact Myscha with your questions about LO member benefits.
Membership and Chapter Coordinator

To those of you who participated, I hope it was quick and painless, and I would like to thank you for your feedback. The survey was designed so that members can offer feedback on past events, and provide input on what you would like to see happen in your chapter in the future. This information will help us to improve chapter meetings, as well as membership services to better suit your needs.
By now you will have hopefully renewed your membership. If not, here’s a friendly reminder. We are gearing-up for a busy fall season that includes planning your schedule for work and family, along with chapter events and upcoming seminars.
Last month the 2014 golf season ended with London and Windsor tournaments, along with the inaugural Cascades Putting Challenge in the Georgian Lakelands Chapter. A big thank you goes to Dave Braun and Braun Nurseries for hosting the Golden Horseshoe’s Annual Chicken Roast, and to everyone who attended our events.
Your chapter boards have been hard at work planning exciting meetings that will feature interesting guest speakers and wonderful educational topics.
Waterloo Chapter began its meeting season on Sept. 3 with a presentation by Ron Koudys, who spoke on future trends in our industry. Koudys raised some interesting points on the role of technology in our industry and the changing face of the horticulture industry.
I’m sure many of you have heard theories on how Generation Y, or the Millennials, are addicted to social media. And, I must admit, I am one of those who loves my Facebook sharing. With social media becoming something we use so frequently in our lives, it is also necessary to use it in our professional lives.
You’ve seen the pictures of our member visits on Grout’s Facebook page at facebook.com/LOGrout. At home office we frequently use Twitter and email communication to promote upcoming events and share information. So, is social media and web technology now a necessary evil? We are presented with the challenge of adapting to the changes of the future, while maintaining the values and benefits of the past. This challenge comes in circulating information, but also planning for the needs and wants of the chapters.
Would using more Internet-based technology, such as live streaming of chapter meetings, be helpful or harmful? Do you find the information you read on Twitter, Facebook, or enews useful, or does it filter into your trash folder? Is there a better way to share information with you?
For example, our survey not only provided helpful information on events and membership services, but it also brought to light the challenges of circulating information. We have some great events happening within the chapters this fall and we want to make sure you get all the necessary information to assist in your attendance of these events.
While I appreciate the ease and convenience of certain technologies, and it certainly helps to increase the accessibility of our chapters, are we then taking away from the value of face-to-face networking? Are you likely to come to a meeting if there is the option of watching it from home? Despite these mixed opinions, chapter meetings are adapting to the changing world, and changes within the industry. What would get you out to a meeting or an event?
This YouTube clip provides some food for thought on the realities of our dependence on technology in the form of a conference call, http://gfl.me/x2gp.
If you have a suggestion on what you would like to see at a local chapter meeting, or you would like to weigh-in on our technology conundrum, feel free to contact me directly at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 354, or email me at myscha@landscapeontario.com.
Until we solve the mystery, I encourage you to check your chapter’s webpage and check your weekly electronic newsletter for updates on coming chapter meetings, including panel discussions, preparing for the winter and many, many more. October is going to be a busy month. I hope to see you at Expo.
Grout visits members

Contact Myscha with your questions about LO member benefits.