November 15, 2010
Check out LO’s endorsed suppliers
By Helen Hassard
Membership and Chapter Coordinator
Lately I’ve spoken with quite a few members who are unaware of our endorsed supplier program. This is not something you want to miss out on, so I encourage each of you to go to and check out the endorsed suppliers under the membership drop down menu (look in lower left-hand corner of page). There you will see a list of suppliers that have cost-saving deals for our members. We have everything from purchasing, or renting equipment, to insurance and marketing companies. Even if you already know about this exciting program, still check out the website, as Telus has recently come onboard as an endorsed supplier and is offering a great package to LO members.
Everyone had a great time at the chicken roast on Sept. 16, despite the terrible weather. See page 15 for the complete story.
On Sep. 21, it was the Durham chapter’s fall barbecue and supplier night. The event was held at Kobes Nurseries with approximately 65 people in attendance. Agrium Advance Technologies, Arnt’s Topsoil, Battlefield Equipment, Brooklin Concrete, Direct Landscape Supply, Durham Truck Isuzi, Evergreen Farm and Garden, Green Tractors, Kobes Nurseries, Nisco National Leasing and Sheridan Nurseries all sponsored and attended the event.
Last, but not least, LO hosted 150 members and their families in to watch the Argos and Ti-Cats duke it out at the Rogers Centre. Permacon generously sponsored a bus to bring the Ti-Cat fans from the Golden Horseshoe Chapter and JDJ Trailer donated reusable bags for our guests. Overall the event was well received.
The book is filled with great opportunities to learn more about what LO offers. In the back you will find a section with the chapter meetings and special events. I encourage you to tear this out (Kathy won’t mind) and pin it up, so you won’t miss out on anything. Most of the chapter meeting information is there. Any additional information will be available at
The Waterloo Chapter meeting is on the Dec. 1, and then on the 3, the Georgian Lakelands Christmas Dinner is at Fendley’s Banquet Hall in Barrie. Tickets are $55 per person, or $100 per couple.
Helen Hassard may be contacted at
Membership and Chapter Coordinator

Busy fall season
The fall finished up with three big events, the Golden Horseshoe Chicken Roast, the Durham Fall Barbecue and Supplier Night and LO Day at the Rogers Centre in Toronto with the Argos and Ti-Cats game, along with a handful of chapter meetings.Everyone had a great time at the chicken roast on Sept. 16, despite the terrible weather. See page 15 for the complete story.
On Sep. 21, it was the Durham chapter’s fall barbecue and supplier night. The event was held at Kobes Nurseries with approximately 65 people in attendance. Agrium Advance Technologies, Arnt’s Topsoil, Battlefield Equipment, Brooklin Concrete, Direct Landscape Supply, Durham Truck Isuzi, Evergreen Farm and Garden, Green Tractors, Kobes Nurseries, Nisco National Leasing and Sheridan Nurseries all sponsored and attended the event.
Last, but not least, LO hosted 150 members and their families in to watch the Argos and Ti-Cats duke it out at the Rogers Centre. Permacon generously sponsored a bus to bring the Ti-Cat fans from the Golden Horseshoe Chapter and JDJ Trailer donated reusable bags for our guests. Overall the event was well received.
Winter seminars
With the cooler weather comes a lot more free time for some of our members, and many more exciting opportunities to get involved with at LO. This past month Kathy McLean, seminar coordinator, with the help of our publishing department, put together a very informative and eye-catching professional development guide to your winter seminars.The book is filled with great opportunities to learn more about what LO offers. In the back you will find a section with the chapter meetings and special events. I encourage you to tear this out (Kathy won’t mind) and pin it up, so you won’t miss out on anything. Most of the chapter meeting information is there. Any additional information will be available at
November meetings
The next few events to note are the Georgian Lakelands Chapter meeting on Nov. 18 to discuss advertising and promotion. The Windsor Chapter meeting on Nov. 18 will feature a presentation by Robert Roszell, the chair of the salt research committee through LO’s Snow and Ice Sector Group. The Golden Horseshoe Chapter meeting, also on Nov. 18, will discuss Succession Planning and Safety Policies. On Nov. 19, Waterloo is hosting its annual Fall Freeze-Up at the Waterloo Inn. Tickets are $120 per couple. Contact Cheryl at 519-746-2288, or email to order tickets.The Waterloo Chapter meeting is on the Dec. 1, and then on the 3, the Georgian Lakelands Christmas Dinner is at Fendley’s Banquet Hall in Barrie. Tickets are $55 per person, or $100 per couple.
Helen Hassard may be contacted at