May 10, 2022

Celebrate Year of the Garden 2022 by planting red
Journalism Intern, Landscape Ontario
Did you know 2022 is officially the “Year of the Garden” in Canada? The Canadian Garden Council (CGC) created this year-long campaign to celebrate the many physical and mental health benefits of gardening, as well as the positive impact plants have on the environment. And they are calling on Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast to be part of the celebration.
Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just picking up a trowel for the first time, we hope you will dig into your garden this year. One easy way to join the YOTG 2022 movement is to plant red. The CGC is spotlighting red plants to honour the many people lost during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the millions of Canadians who stepped up to support their communities as frontline workers. The organization also chose red to celebrate the historical beauty of Canadian gardens.
To help you get started, we’ve selected seven red plants we hope you’ll add to your garden this year.
Red rose

Better Homes & Gardens recommends an easy to manage rose like the Knockout Series, which has several low maintenance red varieties. Two other great red roses to plant include the Canadian Artists Series ‘Emily Carr,’ and the 49th Parallel Collection’s ‘Canadian Shield.'
Red tulip

The Spruce recommends full sun for tulips to grow, but they can be planted under trees that will create shade later in the season, when their leaves begin to grow. While you should plant tulips in well drained soil, be sure to water them thoroughly after planting. Tulips often thrive in soils that are more on the acidic side.
Red marigold

Gardener’s Path advises full sun and soil that is well drained, as marigolds require little water. A rainfall once a week would be plenty since the marigold is able to thrive even in drought like conditions.
Red primerose

Gardening Know How recommends a shady spot for these flowers. Plant in well drained, fertilized soils and water one to two times each week.
Red sulfur cosmos

Gardeners Path recommends relying on weekly rainfall or one heavy watering per week after the flowers have bloomed. The soil should be well drained and drier. Cosmos do best with 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.
Red geranium

Garden Design recommends well drained and fertilized soil for geraniums. They also do best when they have at least six hours of sunlight each day.
Red coneflower
Coneflowers, also known as echinacea, are a beautiful, pollinator friendly perennial. A great rfed variety to plant this year is Kismet Red. They boast beautiful, large red flowers with chocolate brown centres and rebloom through the summer. Find a full sun space in your garden for this wonderful plant.
The Canadian Garden Council has an extensive list of red plant recommendations on its website. Happy gardening!