January 15, 2011
Brian Lofgren celebrating his fourth year as Congress chair

Brian Lofgen
Eight years ago Lofgren became a member of LO. It wasn’t long after joining the association, that Paul Day, trade show manager, talked him into joining the Show Committee. After a couple of years, Lofgren became chair of Canada’s largest green industry event for landscape professionals.
In his non-volunteer duties, Lofgren is president of Horta-Craft located in Strathroy. The company supplies the Canadian horticultural industry with tags and labeling products.
Normally a chair serves two consecutive years, and then steps down. But, Lofgren had done such a good job of handling his duties on the show committee, that members talked him into taking on another two-year term. “This will be my last year as chairman of the committee,” says Lofgren, noting that he will remain on the committee.
“I get back so much from my volunteer involvement with the show,” he says. “The enjoyment of accomplishment and so many great people whom I have met and now call friends, are just two benefits from my volunteer work.”
Brian Lofgren also volunteers for another LO position. He has recently taken on a new challenge, devoting his time to the Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee. “It’s a different type of work, but it’s also very satisfying with some of the things we have managed to accomplish and hope to bring in to improve our industry.”
Outside of LO, Lofgren volunteers for his church, has served as chair of his area separate school board, and a post-secondary educational institute.
Asked if he is looking forward to any specific events at this year’s Congress, Lofgren says he hopes to see a continued moving forward of business opportunities, building on last year’s positive results from the show. “We (the committee) have done our best to provide a great show, and now it’s up to everyone to bring a positive attitude, which will make the show a real success.”