August 3, 2022

AIPH announces Green City Awards shortlist
The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) announced the finalists for the inaugural Green City Awards.
“We are thrilled to be showcasing excellence in city greening from cities around the world,” AIPH secretary-general Tim Briercliffe said. “As we reach this very exciting milestone, AIPH is confident that the first ever AIPH World Green City Awards is a resounding success, leaving a legacy that will shine through in future editions. Congratulations to each and every one of the shortlisted cities. We proudly celebrate this amazing achievement with you.”
The 2022 AIPH World Green City Awards shortlist:
Living Green for Climate Change
Peynircioglu Stream Ecological Restoration Project
Izmir, Turkey
Grey to Green
Melbourne, Australia
Mexico City’s Environmental and Climate Change Program
Mexico City, Mexico
Living Green for Health and well-being
Addressing the medical, behavioural, and social determinants of health for residents.
Transforming degraded land into Urban Micro Parks
Fortaleza, Brazil
Utrecht Green and Healthy City
Utrecht, Netherlands
Sunvale Community Park
Brimbank, Australia
Living Green for Water
Ensuring that water resources are safeguarded and wisely used, with clean water available to all while also protecting residents from flooding risks.
The Phytotechnology Stations at the Montreal Botanical Garden / Space for Life
Montreal, Canada
Creating a Green City
Logan City Council, Australia
uMhlathuze Water Stewardship Partnership
uMhlathuze, South Africa
Living Green for Social Cohesion
Fostering belonging, trust and intergenerational as well as cross-cultural relationships to prevent exclusion, marginalization and violence.
Socio-urban integration in the midst of an ecological reserve:
The case of Rodrigo Bueno
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sunchoenman Bay Wetland Conservation Project
Suncheon City, South Korea
OASIS Schoolyard Project
Paris, France
Living Green for Biodiversity
Addressing the loss of species, habitats, ecosystem health, and genetic diversity.
Reverdecer Bogotá
Bogota, Colombia
Act Local, Contribute Global to World Biodiversity Conservation
Victoria Park, Australia
Ville de Paris- DEVE
Paris, France
Living Green for Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth
Creating systems and solutions that allow all city residents to overcome economic distress and thrive.
The 2020-2030 Master Plan for the Conservation, Improvement and Development of Parc Jean-Drapeau
Montreal, Canada
Transformation of “Beltway to Green Belt”
Mashhad, Iran
Green Necklace to the State of Telangana
Hyderabad, India
The shortlist of entries is presented on behalf of the Technical Panel by the six Category Leads to the 2022 Awards Jury who will identify one winner for each category, as well as the overall AIPH World Green City Awards 2022 winner.
In addition to selecting the shortlist, the Technical Panel has made non-category-specific nominations to be considered by the Jury for Highly Commended Awards. These Highly Commended Awards are given to city entries that did not score high enough to make the shortlist, but which demonstrate a particularly innovative and inspiring approach.