March 15, 2008
A plan to market your business
Denis Flanagan CLD
Manager, membership services
On behalf of the members, we are in the midst of developing some very exciting marketing concepts. Through the hard work of several committees we will soon have a clearer picture of how to move forward and brand LO and our industry. It has become obvious over the last year there is no single way we will brand ourselves. The solution will be a multi-layered approach. An integral part of that process will always be the marketing plans of our individual members, as you develop those plans we are always here to assist in any way we can. Here are some ideas that you may want to consider.
Constantly promoting is one way of staying recession proof. You never see Nike or McDonalds stop promoting regardless of what the economy is doing. Whenever you are promoting your company, highlighting your affiliation with Landscape Ontario will always add credibility to your name. Display the logo whenever you can, and contact us if you would like decals, stickers or camera-ready art work.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at
Manager, membership services

- If you have won an award we have a press release that can be customized for your company. This also works if you have a good news story regarding work you have done with a charity. Local newspapers love these types of stories.
- Get your company name out to several thousand readers by offering to write a weekly or monthly column for your local paper. The easiest way for you to get content is to download the how-to sheets from the LO web site. This way you can promote your name and the associations name at the same time.
- Home and garden shows are always looking for expert speakers, and usually you can negotiate free booth space in return for your time to present seminars. If you are looking for some eye candy we can send you a disc showcasing the Awards of Excellence projects.
- We often get requests from TV and radio stations for guest experts. Please let us know if you would like to be put on a PR list that we can send out to the media.
Constantly promoting is one way of staying recession proof. You never see Nike or McDonalds stop promoting regardless of what the economy is doing. Whenever you are promoting your company, highlighting your affiliation with Landscape Ontario will always add credibility to your name. Display the logo whenever you can, and contact us if you would like decals, stickers or camera-ready art work.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at