Canadale Nurseries

Jun 15, 2015
Signs of spring
Here are three companies that are fine examples of a vibrant horticultural industry in Ontario.

Apr 15, 2015
Canadale celebrates 60 years
Canadale Nurseries recently held its eighth annual home and garden show in St. Thomas with over 5,000 visitors taking in the event.

Feb 15, 2015
In Memoriam — Joan Intven
Joan Intven passed away peacefully on January 9, 2015 in her 95th year, surrounded by her loving family.
May 15, 2014
Former LO president featured in news article
Tom Intven of Canadale Nurseries in St. Thomas, was featured in the London Free Press.

Jun 15, 2013
A mixed bag of weather
Record-high temperatures followed by frost the following day in St. Thomas, Ont.

Apr 15, 2013
Canadale Home and Garden Show
Canadale Nurseries recently held its sixth annual home and garden show in St. Thomas with over 5,000 visitors taking in the event.