July 13, 2011
Donate to the 75th Anniversary Celebrations Legacy Garden

The Legacy Tribute Garden is a plan to leave a large professionally designed garden in tribute to all the people who attend the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture and the Ontario Parks Association, and the hundreds of members of OPA and NPC who have contributed so much to parks and horticulture across Canada.

This one-acre garden will be built outside of the Butterfly Conservatory at the Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens for all to enjoy. The themes of biodiversity and sustainability were selected to represent the strong commitment to teaching responsible horticulture to students and the public, now and in the future. To demonstrate these themes, the Legacy Garden will include: a native butterfly habitat, use of native plants, a living wall feature, rainwater management systems and a bee colony exhibit.

The various levels of contributions and acknowledgements have been established as the parts of a tree; representing how the parts tie together to form strength in the green world. ​
  • Branches - $250 - $499
  • Main Branches/Limbs - $500 - $999
  • Trunk - $1,000 - $2,999
  • Roots - $3,000 - $5,999
  • Specimen Plant - $6,000 to $9,999
  • Legacy - $10,000 and Above
Donations can be made in the form of cash, a cheque (made payable to Ontario Parks Association) or an "in-kind" donation of products or services required to build this the project.

If you wish to make a monetary donation please do so using the Registration Form. If you wish to make an in-kind donation please contact Ontario Parks Association office by emailing opa@ontarioparksassociation.ca or by calling 905-864-6182, extension 6710.

A public acknowledgement of the donations will be designed at the entrance to the Garden outlining the purpose of the garden and the names of those who have contributed to its creation. All donations of $100 and more will receive an income tax receipt from the OPA.