The Prosperity Partnership:
Helping your business succeed!
No matter where you are today, the Prosperity Partnership will help you grow.
Running a successful horticultural business is not easy. The Prosperity Partnership program provides the business framework that will lead you to greater profitability and a more balanced lifestyle.
Who should participate? You: Every green industry business owner and manager
What will you gain? Everything!
- Improved business success
- A network of mentors and contacts
- Smarter work strategies
- A simplified way of looking at your business
Customers for Life
Cultivating customer relationships and providing value is the lifeblood of all businesses.
Financial Health
Successful organizations have processes in place to measure financial performance at a glance.
At the helm of all successful businesses are leaders who are able to inspire and encourage people around them to achieve a clear and defined vision.
Operational Excellence
Gain the skill and knowledge to make your business succeed.
Sales Success
Successful businesses have refined prospecting, lead-generation and sales processes in place.

NEW: Click here to see the steps you can take on your prosperity journey!
Landscape Ontario's Prosperity Partnership can jump-start your business with new ideas,contacts and enthusiasm!
Interested in attending a
"Building Your Prosperity" seminar?
LET US KNOW and we'll keep you informed of any upcoming seminars in your area!
NEW: Prosperity Online Forum!
Log in at www.locc.ca for lively online discussions of Prosperity topics!
NEW! Take the Prosperity Partners online survey
Discover the strengths and weaknesses of your business with the online Prosperity Partners survey.This business tool allows you to rate your company and think about your current business practices and how you can improve them to become more profitable and balanced.Take the prosperity challenge.
Click here to take the online survey. Once completed, you will be returned to the horttrades.com home page.
Peer-to-Peer Network
See the latest information on the next Face-to-Face session,
Member-preferred coaches and consultants
A special page has been created listing the background, experience and expertise of member-preferred coaches and consultants. To access the page go to Coaches and Consultants.
Prosperity Partners Templates
A wealth of other free resources is available at horttrades.com/prosperitytemplates. The templates are organized by Prosperity Pillar, and can be customized to suit your business needs.
Prosperity Corner Library: Prosperity Partners articles from Landscape Ontario magazine
Read articles by columnist Jacki Hart, CLP, written for the Prosperity Partners Program.
January 2017 - Abracadabra! Three unexpected steps to improved team results
December 2016 - What’s lurking in your invisible arena? – Part one
November 2016 - Improving your customer’s experience
October 2016 - A glance at the horizon
September 2016 - Building employee loyalty
July/August 2016 - The delegating conundrum
June 2016 - Keep it simple, keep calm and carry on
May 2016 - Pricing for profit
April 2016 - Manage outcomes more than people
March 2016 - We are a landscape nation
February 2016 - Prosperity showcase indeed
January 2016 - Navigating the invisible parts of your business
December 2015 - The founding vision of Prosperity Partners
November 2015 - Professional development season is here
October 2015 - Standing in the presence of greatness
September 2015 - Checking in at the half-way mark
July/August 2015 - Getting to the ROOT of business
June 2015 - Smile, you're on stage
May 2015 - The rubber hits the road
April 2015 - It's all about teamwork
March 2015 - Hiring smart — Who do you want to work with?
February 2015 - Peers share top five business concerns
January 2015 - Celebrate success
December 2014 - Peer to Peer Network
November 2014 - You are in good company
October 2014 - Bake business thinking into your business
September 2014 - Diamonds in the rough
August 2014 - Professional development: 'Tis the season to start your plan
July 2014 - Managing customer service, Part 3
June 2014 - Managing customer service, Part 2
May 2014 - Managing customer service, Part 1
April 2014 - Hiring headaches
March 2014 - Members helping members...A new tool on the horizon
February 2014 - You're in good company
January 2014 - Staying the course
December 2013 - Ho, Ho, Ho! It's professional development season
November 2013 - The November files
October 2013 - Explore Prosperity Partners' path
September 2013 - Sign of the times
August 2013 - Think about your future in your business
July 2013 - Keeping your stick on the ice
June 2013 - Profit doesn't grow on trees
May 2013 - Balancing business with volunteering: A success story
April 2013 - An interview with Grant Harrison
March 2013 - An interview with Erin Schuler-Van Gilst
February 2013 - Great reviews for Effective Management Short Course
January 2013 - Why do you do what you do?
December 2012 - Your personalized navigation system
November 2012 - Connecting the dots
October 2012 - Taking the pulse of 2012
September 2012 - The cost of not making people changes
August 2012 - The work/life balance
July 2012 - Be tech savvy or step aside
June 2012 - Not available
May 2012 - Networking is opportunity to share goals and solutions
April 2012 - The lid just blew off
March 2012 - How do we navigate the uncertainty of 2012?
February 2012 - Standing room only at Congress
January 2012 - Connecting the dots
December 2011 - Prosperity Partners solves business headaches from the ground up
November 2011 - Managing the experience
October 2011 - Leadership is a daily requirement of success
June 2011 - Leadership Never let them see you sweat
May 2011 - Professional operations: The glue that holds your work together
April 2011 - Well planned quote is key to success
March 2011 - Financial health reality check
February 2011 - New tools will help improve your Prosperity
January 2011 - Prosperity Partners applies its own tools to re-adjust program's path
December 2010 - Taking people management to the next level
November 2010 - Proud of LO's prosperity
October 2010 - Gearing for winter improvements
September 2010 - Managing consistent effort in your business
August 2010 - Step back to gain perspective before you're forced to
July 2010 - Change creates new possibilities
June 2010 - Prosperity is a company-wide benefit
May 2010 - Networking: A journey to success
April 2010 - Prosperity Partners Ready? Set? GO!
March 2010 - A new economy means new thinking!
February 2010 - Which way to the exit
January 2010 - Prosperity Partners face-to-face
December 2009 - The fastest long winter on record?
November 2009 - Waiting for Godot
October 2009 - Change happens and old habits die hard
September 2009 - Time to reflect on your season
August 2009 - Transferring the reins of power
July 2009 - Staying at the top of you game - and on top of it
June 2009 - Sometimes, we just need to take a breath
May 2009 - Faster than a speeding bullet
April 2009 - April can be a time of anxiety
March 2009 - These times, they are a'changin'
February 2009 - It's a time of opportunity
January 2009 - Refuse to take part in the recession
November 2008 - Program will help chart your business's direction
October 2008 - It's time to ask better questions
September 2008 - New partners, new opportunities
August 2008 - There must be a better way...
July 2008 - The November files
June 2008 - Expanding the prosperity circle
May 2008 - Prosperity Program gets and A+!
April 2008 - Do more of this!
March 2008 - Keeping a full tank
February 2008 - The buck starts here...
January 2008 - First steps on the road to prosperity