January 6, 2016
First Aid Policy
Ensure that your full-time staff or selected employees take a St. John Ambulance First Aid Course and maintain that certification as long as they are employed by your company. Strive to be a leader in safety and have employees responsible for the health and safety of themselves, co-workers, public and the environment.
  • One first aid kit shall be located in each vehicle
  • A First Aid Kit is located in the office beside the washroom door on the main level
  • A First Aid Kit is located inside the front door of the shop beside the telephone
  • All full-time and or selected employees shall be trained or updated on first aid provided by Saint John Ambulance
  • Crew foremen shall check first aid kits on a three-month period and replenish as needed.
  • Records shall be kept of all first aid treatments given
  • All injuries shall be reported immediately to the appropriate supervisor
  • Ensure that your company has at least one employee trained in First Aid on each crew.
First Aid procedures
  • Any employee injured shall obtain First Aid, if needed. Call 911 or transport injured employee to the hospital or doctor’s office
  • Have ‘In case of Accident’ information in the Safety Binder in all company trucks to have forms to take to the hospital or doctors
  • Inform your supervisor immediately of the injury. Supervisor will determine if an Accident Investigation is needed
  • Employees should receive a handout every year
  • Verbal communication and safety meetings should take place on a regular basis
  • Safety meetings
  • St. John Ambulance