G2 Garden - "Take time to..."
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As a society we strive to find new ways to save time, work smarter and play harder. We do this through a variety of means including the use of faster and more powerful technology, finding a sense of accomplishment in a fatter bank account and obtaining instant gratification through the procurement of more ‘things.’ The result is that we become more stressed and less effective as we get caught up in the busy-ness of getting ahead.
The members of Landscape Ontario invite you to deliberately slow down as you enter our garden and ‘Take time to….” enjoy the pleasures offered in nature.
Have you ever really sat in your back yard and listened to the wind passing through the trees, or whistling around the corner of the house? Come hear what beautiful sounds it makes passing through the strings of a harp.
Do you ever really take time to stop and smell the roses, both literally and figuratively? Roses possess a rich history and story — stop and learn about the Canadian rose story, and gain a new appreciation for the flower of romance.
Have you ever stood in awe and appreciation of the beauty and majesty of trees? Watched a fruit tree swell into blossom, or thanked a majestic maple as you picnic or nap in its shade on a warm summer tree.
When you hear the babbling of a brook, or the thunder of a waterfall, do you value its life-giving power? Do you see the strength and beauty in its rocks and stones? See what happens when rock and stone is transformed through art and craftsmanship in this whimsical garden.
As Canadians, we are blessed with, and are stewards of, many of nature’s gifts. As Landscape Ontario members, we use them every day as tools in the art and science of horticultural design and creation. The designers, builders and contributors to this year’s Landscape Ontario garden at Canada Blooms invite you to visit the garden and ‘Take time to...’ Take time to appreciate the talents, passion, dedication and commitment of the Landscape Ontario members who have created an intimate space that could be your own back yard, where you can take time to get out of the business of your own life and enjoy the simple delight of being outdoors.
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Brydges Landscape Architecture Inc
– Paul Brydges, LA and Matthew Hooker, LA
Your Designer Landscapes Inc – Fred Post, CLD
Contributing to the Feature Garden Design:
Harry Gelderman – Gelderman Landscaping
Catherine Geraats – Aphrodite Design Group Inc.
Jodie Munshaw, CLD
Ron Swentiski, CLD – Trillium Associates
Assisted by: Heather Cullen
Project Managers: Paul Doornbos, CLT, CLP
Brian Marsh, B. Comm.
Landscape Design Team: Paul Brydges, LA
Matthew Hooker, LA
Fred Post, CLD
Water Feature: James Garfield Thompson, Bsc.Agr., Pag. OALA
Plant Acquisition: Regine Marsh, Dip. Hort.
Green Roof/Detailing: Janet Ennamorato, BA, CLA, GRP
Recognition: Barry Hordyk
Tear Down Team: Peter Vanderley, CLP, and London Chapter
AEON Gazebos www.aeongazebo.com
Brydges Landscape Architecture Inc. www.brydgeslandscapearchitecture.com
Creative Garden Designs www.creativegardendesigns.ca
Earth Art Landscapes Inc. www.earthartlandscapesinc.com
Gardens in the City www.gardensinthecity.ca
Gelderman Landscaping www.gelderman.com
Green Design Landscaping Inc. www.greendesign.ca
Ground Effects Landscapes www.groundeffects.ca
J. Garfield Thompson Landscape Ltd. www.waterartinc.com
Highland Masonry www.highlandmasonrydrystone.com
Moonstruck Landscape Lighting www.moonstrucklighting.com
Shademaster Landscaping Ltd. www.shademaster.net
Thornbusch Landscaping Company www.thornbuschlandscaping.com
Through Stone Masonry www.throughstonemasonry.ca
Vineland Research and Innovation Centre www.vinelandresearch.com
Whistling Dwarf Stonework www.whistlingdwarfstonework.com
Your Designer Landscapes Inc. www.yourdesignerlandscapes.net
AEON Gazebos www.aeongazebo.com
Balfour Greenhouse Ltd. www.balfourgreenhouses.com
Boot’s Landscaping and Maintenance www.bootslandscaping.com
Connon Nurseries/NVK Holdings www.connonnurseries.com
Decorpro Inc. www.decorpro.ca
Jade Environmental Services www.jadesolarpv.com
J. C. Bakker and Sons www.jcbakker.com
LeisureDesign: Inspire your Life www.leisuredesign.ca
Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario www.nsgao.com
PAO Horticultural www.paohorticultural.com
Palatine Nurseries www.palatineroses.com
Pan American Nursery Products www.panamnursery.com
Pebbleman Natural Stone (The) www.pebbleman.ca
Pickering Nurseries www.pickeringnurseries.com
Rosa Flora www.rosaflora.com
SGI Lighting Inc. www.sgilighting.com
Soundscapes International www.soundscapesinternational.com
Star® Roses www.starroses.com
Unilock Limited www.unilock.com
Upper Canada Stone Company Ltd. www.uppercanadastone.com