March 7, 2012
Best management practices
minimize risk of spreading boxwood blight
Based on the find of C. buxicola at one nursery in B.C., and positive finds in eight U.S. states, the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association has released Boxwood blight best management practices for nursery growers.
Developed by the CNCI’s C. buxicola Technical Committee,
these BMPs enable growers to minimize the risk of moving C. buxicola through the wholesale nursery industry. The committee is currently working on a C. buxicola certification module for the Clean Plants program.
Download Boxwood BMPs for growers.
Also available are best management practices for retail garden centres and landscape companiesDownload Boxwood BMPs for growers.
Until Canadian nursery growers are able to implement BMPs and certify their nurseries through the Clean Plants program, there is only so much that retailers and landscapers can do to minimize the risk of spreading C. buxicola. However, the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association has put together some guidelines and identification tips for those working in the field to avoid the spread of this disease.
Note that at this time, C. buxicola has been found at only one Canadian nursery, which immediately took aggressive measures to eradicate its source.
Download Boxwood BMPs for retailers and contractors
Download Boxwood BMPs for retailers and contractors